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Since the beginning of our work, Instituto Espaço Silvestre (IES) has been dedicated to projects that seek to protect nature in a serious and committed way with the next generations and with scientific technical knowledge. For this, multidisciplinary teams of specialists are involved daily with the execution of projects in several Brazilian states. In Santa Catarina, we maintain the Programa Silvestres SC, which aims to release and monitor wild animals throughout the state. This program includes the Vinaceous-breasted Amazon Reintroduction Project in the Araucaria National Park, a reference in animal reintroduction work and winner of numerous national and international awards. Also in the same state, we are responsible, since 2019, for coordinating the only Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (CETAS-SC), together with the Santa Catarina Environment Institute (IMA-SC).


On the other side of Brazil, the Espaço Silvestre Institute supports the Aves de Noronha project in the famous Fernando de Noronha archipelago, belonging to the state of Pernambuco. Through technical training and environmental education projects, our team has been bringing ways to value the local avifauna and producing scientific knowledge about these emblematic animals.


​In the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, IES works through Chalana Esperança. This project created in 2020 by 4 women aims to fight fires, educate and support the population.


We know the importance and necessity of our work and, therefore, we are always thinking about new projects and new ways to expand. We greatly appreciate all our supporters and sponsors, as well as the entire IES family who are always willing to face daily challenges and smiling for a better future for all species.


Do outro lado do Brasil, o Instituto Espaço Silvestre apoia o projeto Aves de Noronha no famoso arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, pertencente ao estado de Pernambuco. Através de projetos de capacitação técnica e educação ambiental, nossa equipe vem trazendo formas de valorização da avifauna local e produzindo conhecimento científico sobre esses animais tão emblemáticos.


Já no Pantanal mato-grossense, o IES atua através do Chalana Esperança. Esse projeto criado em 2020 por 4 mulheres visa combater incêndios, educar e prestar apoio á população.


Sabemos a importância e necessidade do nosso trabalho e , por isso, estamos sempre pensando em novos projetos e novas formas de expandir. Agradecemos imensamente todos os nossos apoiadores e patrocinadores, assim como toda família IES que está sempre disposta para enfrentar os desafios diários e sorrindo para um futuro melhor para todas as espécies.


Ecology, conservation and population density of the mullet dolphin ( Tursiops truncantus ) in the region of Laguna, SC.

2007 - 2009

Implementation of the Management Plan for the Carijós Ecological Station

2006 - 2009

Environmental Education Project for the Saco Grande Hydrographic Basin.

2004 - 2008​

Support for the creation and implementation of the ESEC Carijós Advisory Council


Partnerships in the execution of the Project “Knowledge and Management of the Rio Ratones Watershed and its Mangrove”


Environmental Education Program for the Ratones River Basin.

2006 - 2009

Laboratory of Water Analysis of the Ecological Station of Carijós.

2004 - 2008

ESEC Carijós Environmental Education Program.


Sustainable Development Plan around the Carijós Ecological Station


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Consolidation Plan for the Carijós Ecological Station



Monitoring of the goal Sotalia fl uviatis in the North Bay.

2006 - 2007

Preparation and Proposal for the definition of the ESEC Carijós Buffer Zone.


ESEC Carijós Environmental Education Program.



Management Plan for the Carijós Ecological Station

2001 - 2003

Campaign for the Implementation of the Carijós Ecological Station


CNPJ: 03.213.678/0001-40
Administrative headquarters:
Road João Becker, nº. 447. Ingleses. 

Florianópolis | SC | Brasil

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